Homemade Nutella Choc Hazelnut SpreadMartyna @ Wholesome CookOctober 28, 2019April 15, 2020 April 15, 2020April 15, 202013327 This homemade nutella recipe is easy to make, contains no refined sugar and is a delicious choc hazelnut spread alternative. You can also try making...
Homemade Gummy Bears with No Added Sugar PLUS 10 Tips for Making Them at HomeMartyna @ Wholesome CookMarch 31, 2014January 8, 2020 January 8, 2020January 8, 202074 81317 They are the kind of lollies you won't mind your kids having. Homemade Gummy Bears in 4+ whole food (no juice or sugar) flavours and...
No More Junk: 6 Healthy Alternatives to Sugary DrinksMartyna @ Wholesome CookJune 15, 2012October 11, 2019 October 11, 2019October 11, 201956 35220 Rather than come up with a single recipe, I thought I'd give you a run down of the 6 most popular sugar-laden junk drinks and...